There there, everything is going to be fine... because I am here!
My personality is a mix of all genres, with a penchant for the absurd and graphically pleasing. I'm a graduate of Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) from the Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT). Yes, I am an Engineer. I am one of the noble semi-skilled laborers that execute the vision of those who think and dream. I am one of the Oompa-Loompas of Science.
However, I dwelt more in Information Technology in most of my existense. I became the IT professional who’s more into substance than structure, the gamer who never finishes a game because I often gets lost in the eye-candy, the frustrated musician who bought an organ and guitar but did not learn how to play it because I could play music better with a computer, and the sci-fi fanatic who would never miss pondering on the opportunity to train and experiment on people like lab rats. I would have to point out though that I am at the top of my profession, while others preside over kiddie tables. I am clearly too evolved for the usual stuff.
This blog comes to you direct from the malevolent mind of a frustrated writer. Welcome to my world where the techie crossbreeds with the critic and the comic genes, hovering through and beyond all forms of realities, and banalities, unbounded by time and space.
My existence is a continuum, so I have been what I was at each point in the implied time period. I can't be impossible because I exist! The others are most likely improbable. When you understand the laws of physics, anything is possible. "Mwah, ha, ha."
Though I subscribe to the "Many Worlds" theory which posits the existence of an infinite number of myself in an infinite number of universes, I assure you that in none of them am I insane. My mother also had me tested when I was a child and it turned out negative.
I just went out into the hallway one day, stumbled into an inter-dimensional portal which brought me 5,000 years into the future, took advantage of the advanced technology to build a time machine, and now I am back to share my expertise and thoughts about life and current events in a very intimate and carnal fashion.
I am obviously a fan of "The Big Bang Theory" TV series specifically of Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper, B.S., M.S., M.A., PH.D., SC.D., Though he is my favorite character, I would rather be Leonard in real life because he always seems to get the girls in bed.
There are other sci-fi geniuses and incarnations that I adore like Dr. Who, Dr. Bishop, Dr. Suresh, Dr. Spock and other scientists and inventors of the Sci-Fi genre. Don't leave out cartoon characters like Dexter, Jimmy Neutron, Phineas and Ferb along with Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Prof. Xavier, and other technically-inclined animated characters. But I would stop mentioning more names because more does not equal merry. If 2000 of my favorite characters were in my house right now, I would not be celebrating but suffocating.
Internet Troll
I am undoubtedly an Internet troll who takes pleasure in commenting about everything whether personal or political, scientific or religious ,theoretical or hypothetical. I would more often venture into questions of morality. Did you know, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche believed that morality is just a fiction used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men? I don't see this blog-writing as a promising endeavor, because many may try to vanquish the naughty and evil spirit in me.
I realize that everyone maybe currently in the mercy of their primitive biological urges. But, as we have an entire lifetime of poor decisions ahead of us, allow me to interrupt your pathetic life by inviting you to take the time to read my blogs.
I also believe there's a fine line between wrong and visionary. Unfortunately, you have to be a visionary to see it. However, you are in luck, because I am a visionary. You can see that I would always be right in my commentaries here and neither of the other parties' input is a cogent argument. While we live in a deterministic universe, you do have free will to stop or continue reading all my blabbering. Now continue to read and I prevent you to go away!
If you are right now still reading this, then I'm sorry to inform you that you've been taken in by my uncanny powers of persuasion and sexual prowess designed to prey upon the gullible and the lonely.
Evolved Generation
This generation is all about art, the Internet, making it big, making it fast. You get it, or not. You understand, or is more confused. You empathize, or is in protest. You share my aversion, or you just let out a snort of derision. This blog allows you to do a conglomeration of these predictably natural reactions.
I try to never forget to spice up every post with illustrations or pictures personalized to my own particular taste. Actually, I want my pictures to speak for themselves even when attached words are too few or too lengthy.
Remember that everything here is always a work in progress so every post may change, typos or wrong info would get corrected or additional details would be added from time to time. Change would always be constant.
One thing is definite,.... that I would never be afraid to criticize those that oppress and malign what I believe in, that every curse and sharply-worded comments I would utter comes approved straight from my courageous heart ....unless it's only a raw Copy and Paste. Remember, no butts, no cuts, no coconuts.
Wow! I'm on fire today!
Good day to you all. And if there's an apocalypse coming, then good luck!
Working creatively,
Ross Flores Del Rosario
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