Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Emerging Influential Blogs For 2012

Influential Blogger (http://www.influentialblogger.net) has just announced the start of another search for the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2012 Writing Project. 

Its the 6th year of  the writing project started by Ms. Janette Toral of http://digitalfilipinoclub.blogspot.com/.

Her group seeks to identify new and emerging blogs who are making an impact to its readers.

"These are blogs that started anytime from June 1, 2011 to the present. These blogs are gradually gaining a considerable amount of readership, following, influence and fascinating the reader in various ways. The bloggers behind them established the blog for various reasons such as expression of thoughts, sharing of knowledge and insight, building a movement, events reporting or coverage, and some for profit."

Hhmmmm....Why not, ....I could join !, and maybe learn a few things out of the experience. My blog may not be a masterpiece work of a pro or even a newbie writer, but it's posts directly comes from my hearth and soul.

To my fellow new and emerging bloggers out there. Please include me in your choice for the Top Ten Emerging Influential Blog for 2012 Writing Project. It would be a real threat - I mean treat.

Just read the instructions from here:


I've learned about her group a few months ago. The very same time I took the effort to try to join other bloggers group (way back December 2011), but I've totally forgotten all about it, and stopped the search for bloggers group since I was really just doing this blogging thing for fun - during my spare time - just to release my creativity, and to vent my criticisms towards life and society.

A few days ago, a colleague of mine told me that I could also earn some cash while blogging. I've heard about the pay-per-clicks he was talking about like the Google AdSense several years ago but I never got interested with it.

When I started this blog, my goal was just to react to the very controversial current events happening during that time: November 2011. The time the new Philippine government, headed by Noynoy Aquino, started running after - and eventually filed charges against the corrupt leaders of the former government of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. It was pay-back time, and I wanted to be part of it, at least via online interaction.

I told my colleague, "Nah, I'm just blogging for fun and creative output.", and besides...I think that would only work for a Blogspot site or at least a hosted Wordpress site. I have to admit I became curious and Googled if it's indeed possible to make it work on a free Wordpress site. But alas, I was right. But it was no big deal.

I started blogging when I found Facebook as just not appropriate or enough for the ideas and criticisms I wanted to share with my Facebook followers.

Anyway, here are a few of the new and emerging blogs that I find equally interesting to follow. They fancy my interest for humor, appreciation for the good things in life, and the frustrations that would undeniably always would be  a part of our existence.

We are lucky we live in a world where vast information is easily accessible via the Internet. It's just up to us how we would deal with the information available out there.

Some of the Top New Blogs I Find Interesting Enough To Tickle My Fancy

Joe's Shitty Ideas
by Joe's Friend, JSI

I totally love the humor and "shitty ideas" of the blog site, and how the stories are told. The blogger is truly creative in his story-telling skills. The development of the character Joe is building up into a wacky and interesting personality that could probably end up as a comic strip or TV series. And who knows, may be one of his "shitty" ideas would one day become real.

So What's News
by Stewart

The blogger's blog idea of a satire news site may not be new, as I've seen it already from another site, but I took notice of his creative writing skills and humor when I was fooled to believe the news about CBCP wanting to burn the Diablo 3 game. I really thought it was real, so did other game fanatics like me.

Coco J. Ginger Says
by Coo J. Ginger

I share the same Peter Pan syndrome that she talks about her recent blog post. I'm too old to play around, but my childish alter ego would always be there existing within my subconscious that I would often act like a child yearning for a playmate. For me, enjoying life through the eyes of a child is a valuable asset that many had lost due to the pressures in life. Life should be like her blog posts: Carefree and with very little worries.

Jodi Ambrose Blog
by Jodi Ambrose

A blogger who is an ex-80s rocker chick, former high school teacher, and in your face author, all rolled into one. It's quite exhilarating reading the thoughts of a lady who believes men typically want more sex while women typically want more intimacy, security and love. She truly speaks out her mind, and does not hesitate to be controversial in her statements.

Caffeinated & Random
by Jenny

The blog is a cathartic experience documenting the blogger's love of coffee, the adorableness of her nephew, the U.S.S. Hubbster, and the severe randomness that goes on in her head. I also love the “My brain is a scary place. Good thing I have coffee.” She sounds like a really upbeat person to be with and funny.

Unsugarcoated Reviews
by Unknown Identity

Her blog goes like this "Not bitter. Just without the sugarcoating. A consumer's no-nonsense reviews of things, places, and events in the metro and beyond."

Join the blogger in her rants, raves, and ho-hum moments as she explores the metro "with no sugarcoating".

I kinda like her blog because I am beginning to appreciate reviews when I decided to be more personal with my blog. I said I needed more exposure to the metro and find out what's in and what's not. Maybe she would be my key to unlock all the mysteries of metro living.

Ferociously Fallon
by Fallon

This blog is by a lady who loves distinctly southern things like: LSU, food, sitting on a porch, music of all types, dodging plastic necklaces during parades, and passing a good time. She has a passion for animals and volunteer regularly at their local animal shelter. She is a math teacher, a dancer, and a Britney Spears enthusiast. This is where she parks her thoughts about the roller coaster that is life.

Oh, Beautiful Madness
by Len Cristobal

According to the blogger's profile,  she's already a professional writer. She is currently employed as an English writing instructor (I definitely need to attend one of her class), but she enjoys being a freelance writer and blogger more. I will probably see her soon in mainstream journalism spotlights. The blogger shares her plate of personal musings on family, love, and friends; thoughts on politics, literature, and culture; feelings for artists, grammarians, rebels, and poets; questions and praises for people, events, and ideas; and more celebrations for hard-earned wins, routed heartaches, and loving inspirations - in other words, almost everything we all hate and love about life.

The Talking Senses
by Fam Mam

She says she's your ordinary girl with extraordinary whims, and what she can't get, she compensates with what she can give. She's a warm and affectionate girl who must really love her mother enough to dedicate a lovely poem for her. Another new blogger who can make a difference and become influential. Just give her more time to connect and keep in touch with our sensibilities.

Robotic Rhetoric
by Berky Writer

Another great way to share information to readers. The blog posts were all interesting for me, and most of them I have been meaning to ask and look for more facts about. I understand ever line and paragraph because everything was clear and easy enough to grasp and comprehend. Unlike other articles which dwell within highfalutin words and strange phrases, his blog entries are fairly enough to attract my interest.

Join the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2012 Writing Project

Influential Blogger
This writing project will not be possible without the support of sponsors such as:

Huling Hirit:

Hey, I would love to be part of the Ten Most Influential Emerging Bloggers for 2012 Writing Project. I may not be a controversial and popular as the rest of the new blogs out there. (Wow...how were they able to reach a huge fan base?)

But the real objective is to learn from the writing project, so I'm really hoping I get picked.

I just reached a whopping 5,000 FB friends a few days ago, and learned FB only allows up to that number. I was torn between creating a second account or just create a Fan page instead (the nerve - what do I think I am? - an online celebrity , well at least I was in Facebook.) My humble self decided to just create a second account. Now, if only I could figure out how to link the two accounts together so I would just need to post once.

Any help out there?


  1. Reblogged this on The Hostile Witness and commented:
    Vote for my blog as one of the Emerging Influential Blogs for 2012

  2. Thank you for joining. It seems http://kayegonebonkers.wordpress.com/ started before June 2011. Kindly keep me posted when you update your blog post. Thank you.

  3. Wow, Ross ... good to know my shitty blog (pun intended) tickles your fancy. I can certainly say the same for yours. But just FYI: I am not a dude, and my name is not Steve.

  4. Such a nice treat :) for that list of 10.

  5. hahaha....

    Can I have permission to know and post your name then?

    really laughs when reading your blog...hehehe

  6. pk...will replace it with another blog

    thanks for notifying me

  7. Already updated my blog post, Ms. Janette..


  8. You can just call me JSI ... glad you can laugh with me at Joe's expense.

  9. So cool to be introduced to some new bloggers although I have already laughed through some of Joe's Shitty Ideas!

  10. It seems http://coffeeblackoneggwhite.wordpress.com/ has less than 20 blog post as of this time. Kindly advise when you update your list. Thank you.

  11. Thanks for informing me Miss Janet. I have updated my list and decided to select one from among the hopeful aspirants of the writing project.

    Thanks, and please let me know again if I still need to do any changes.

  12. Hey Ross,

    Thanks for the mention! I promise to make my blog more interesting. Nice blog you've got here! =)
