Saturday, June 16, 2012

I Am Here For The Revolution

It is possible to stop it. To change the culture. Fight corruption yourself. Do not tolerate it in your area of influence. You have to have the courage to say NO. The first time is always the most difficult. But it defines you moving forward.

Corrupt people don't think they're corrupt. Evil people don't think they're evil. How to fight? Find and set a line. A line you will never cross. Draw the line in the sand and do not cross it. The reason you have to draw the line is because personal convictions can spread through your network of influence. When you choose to draw your line and you choose to stay on the idealistic side you have the possibility of translating that action through your social networks. If you cross your turn from good to evil.

Sometimes doing the wrong thing seems to be the only way to get ahead. You have to find the courage to say NO...and "Do no evil. Do not allow others to do evil." This is what I want to achieve in my sphere of influence.

One of the fears that I am worried about, "Can I really change the world?" Revolutions don't have to be one big defining moment. Sometimes revolutions start with personal choices. Sometimes people wait to be famous first to talk or do about something. If you sit and wait for the "big people" to start moving before we do. We will all be in big trouble. Everyone has to pull their weight.

Love of country cannot just be the singing of the national anthem. It has to be in our mouths, our hearts, and our conscience.

"I will never let anybody tell me that my dreams are too big. Because I know better. Because I know better."

Everything is going to be fine because we are here for the revolution.

*Credits from the TEDx Katipunan 2012 Live Blog

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