My hometown is one crazy small town.
I spoofed Lourd De Veyra's book , "This Is A Crazy Planets", and customized it for Pateros - This Is A Crazy Pateros. Though I avoided to put in the photos of politicians that I dreaded the most to avoid any "complications" as they are very harsh individuals who will do everything to gain control of such a small pathetic town that remains the only municipality left among cities around it.
Pateros is so small yet the corruption within its local government is alarming. It may not grow anymore because its streets are filled with irregularities and violations.
I tried to do something about it. But I only got into trouble, along with my family.
So I left my hometown but only physically because I continue to monitor and report wrongdoings, anonymously or not.
I was not born in Pateros, but I lived my entire youth there.
I personally witnessed how corrupt its government is as I personally saw how its municipality officials, barangay chairpersons, locally assigned police force, etc., are all in cahoots with illegal activities such as jueteng.
Even at our own backyard.
I think Pateros has a common disease as other cities, but because of its small size, it is a wonder how its residents have gone deaf and blind, and just let these criminal elements rampant because of "pakikisama" and the fact that they are their own friends and relatives.
Enjoyed reading this, very good stuff, thanks . "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." by Archilocus.